Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hearing God In the Ordinary

During this year's Chinese New Year season, I had a “firsthand” experience with simple gardening as TY bought me a potted plant to beautify the house. He exulted the “potential” of this plant and how it promised to bloom multiple flowers of different colors. Daily, without fail, I would conscientiously water my plant and ensure it received enough sunlight in anticipation of what I would see. To my disappoint, a single yellow flower would bloom on certain days, while on others, there was nothing at all! The furthest it got was to produce 2 pink “withered-looking” flowers. But I doggedly held on to the "promise" that one day, the flowers would come into full bloom.

Today, my tenacity finally paid off! After 2 weeks of waiting and watering, I was rewarded with 4 magnificent, brightly-colored flowers that bloomed all at once. As I watched in admiration and wonder, Galatians 6 verse 9 came to my mind, "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." I realized that we may not understand the power that lies within a seed but as we do what is needed, the flowers will naturally bloom in due season. The parallel truth is that the Word of God too is a seed. While we may not always understand the need to obey in contrary circumstances, but as we continue to do what is right and hold on to our faith without wavering, we will enjoy all the benefits that His Word promises to bring!

An attempt to tend to a simple potted plant has brought a profound revelation. It is no wonder the Master Gardener would choose to use the simplest things in life to portray and to remind His children of His eternal and unchanging truths. God wants us to hear His voice even through the ordinary things of life.


..::rei::.. pêbblë said...

Ditto. And you certainly had never given up on me. Thank YOU, s.Serene~

Serene (Singapore) said...

Serene-pêbblë: Oh, so sorry, and you are ...? :)