Since its debut in 2005, the Marina Bay Countdown “Make A Wish” Project is back for 2010! This year, the LWPS children were invited to be a part of this so two weeks ago, Jules carted home of those huge, white Wish Spheres to pen down his wishes for the new year. Mommy forgot all about it until a reminder was sent by the school yesterday and the entire family settled down last night – finally - to complete the project!
We asked Julian what his wish for Singapore was and unhesitatingly he replied, “I wish that everyday is a quiet and peaceful day … so no one can disturb me!!” Hmm … Anyway, after about half an hour, the sphere was done with his Wish sandwiched between a smiley sun, clouds and birds above, and a world of sea creatures and a boat below! In Mommy’s opinion, it was a marvelous effort by Jules and simply b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!