Saturday, October 15, 2011

Belt Presentation Ceremony

It was an exciting Sunday (Oct 2, 2011) for us as Jules has just completed his first Aikido grading and we were full of anticipation on the belt colour he would be awarded. It was in this mood that we made our way to his school located at Tan Boon Liat Building.

250544_227431210617040_179145662112262_937672_5039513_naikiForest Dojo @ Outram

DSC00467Little Aikido Practitioner

Aikido 1Waiting for Commencement of Ceremony


DSC00519Address by Philip Lee Sensei (6th Dan)



DSC00540Belt Presentation


Yeah … Red!!!

DSC00557Change of Belt

RedBefore & After!

Look at Me!

DSC00594Graduating Class Photo

Friday, October 14, 2011

Monthly Highlights

It has been ages since I last updated my blog and thought it was about time I posted an entry, especially when this was meant to be kind of an online journal. Since I am so awfully backdated, a monthly highlight should easily bring me up to date, so here goes …

May 2011
The Adventures of the Mad Chinaman Concert



DSC01554May 27, 2011

June 2011
Kai Leng & Jasmine’s Big Day!

065June 12, 2011

July 2011
Art Garden @ SAM

Jules went for a play date with his cousins to the Art Garden at the Singapore Art Museum and enjoyed a fun and educational afternoon!

Tree of LoveScribbling on the Tree of Love

DSC00009Dancing Solar Flowers

DSC00028Elephant Parade Singapore

Chips 1

Chips 2

Chips 3

DSC00201GO (wood, acrylic & wooden chips exhibit)

August 2011
aikiForest Magazine Shoot

Julian picked up Aikido 3 months ago and his school was featured in a Japanese magazine, Mangosteen Club!






p8August 4, 2011

August 2011
Camp @ Underwater World Singapore

In an adventurous attempt, 3 families decided to participate in a 2 day 1 night camp organized by the Boys’ Brigade at the Underwater World Singapore. The kids were very excited, naturally, but the mommies and daddies were the brave ones as they had not camped in this manner for close to 20 years …!

DSC00035Mass Camp Briefing

DSC00088Quiz Time!


DSC00118Night Expedition @ the Underwater World

DSC00121Midnight Feast!

DSC00099Getting Ready for Bed

Ice-cream Treat!

iDevices - Waiting for Animal Show to Start

DSC00293Meet the Dolphins

SealPhoto Opportunity

DSC00254Feeding the Baby Sharks!






Certificate Presentation

IMG00288-20110829-2016The Families